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Who is Del Millers, MA, PhD (aka Dr. Del)?

At age thirteen growing up in the Bronx, I was fascinated by the Saturday afternoon Kung Fu movies on TV. I wanted to be able to do what they were doing, so I took up the practice of Kung Fu. It quickly became my escape from a rough environment, and soon, a way of life.

Along the way, my teacher introduced me to the ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi. I soon fell in love with the philosophy of Yin & Yang. It was my martial arts practice that introduced me to fitness. I learned to respect the body, to take care of it and feed it well. From these ancient practices I learned that the body must be conditioned to do what the mind orders.

In other words, if the body is weak and deconditioned it will affect your ability to focus, so your mind will begin to wander from thought to thought like a monkey jumping from tree to tree.

For me fitness, healthy eating and mindfulness movement is a way of life. It is the foundation from which my creative energies flow. In fact, my first book, Fitness & Spirituality, was written almost entirely in the gym – In between sets of weight training, running on the treadmill or writing down an inspiration after talking to a client.

My personal fitness goal has always been to be better each decade than I was the previous decade. That’s why I can honestly say that in my fifties, I am stronger, fitter, and far more athletic than I was in my twenties.

My goal is to strive to be the best I’ve ever been, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. That’s why I am, first and foremost, a student. I am always learning and growing so that I can be a better person, coach, mentor, husband and father.

It is this love of learning that led me to write my first book, Fitness & Spirituality, over a decade ago. Later I pursued a Masters Degree in psychology because the mind is often a tangled web of contradiction and I needed to understand it.

I also came to realize that I couldn’t be the best coach that I wanted to be for my clients without a deep understand of the body’s physiology and what it does with food. So I pursued a PhD in Nutritional Sciences. That’s where the “Dr. Del” comes from.

In short, my life and my work are one. I teach what I know so that others may grow. This includes martial arts, fitness, nutrition, cooking, Latin dance, entrepreneurship, and personal growth.

I have been blessed with the ability to inspire people, either one-on-one, from the speaking stage or through the eight books that I have published. I am grateful for the opportunity to touch the lives of thousands of people on four continents and in six countries around the world.

The truth is I end up learning more from the people I work with than they learn from me. My job, as a coach, is simply to help you realize that you already have the necessary tools and skills to accomplish your goals.

But sometimes we all need a helping hand to guide us in the direction of our dreams. I am happy to be your guide. It is what I have chosen to be my life’s purpose.

So thank you for stopping by. And remember, I’m not here to give you more information. I’m here to be a source of inspiration, support and encouragement.

–Dr. Del